Activities all year round
The Club is a community of members who can decide to organise any activity that is related to playing outside. At the moment, our main activities are :
Regular outings
Mainly through the Facebook Group, members get together to go play outside. The group helps connect outdoor enthusiasts mainly to organize a day trip or a longer adventure, to gather information about outdoor related questions, or simply to share your latest outdoor experience.
Ski skills programs
Aniirajak Club is also the Cross Country Canada Nunavut Division and offers a Jackrabbit program since 2018. The Club plans to offer more ski skills programs for all ages in the coming year. The Club also is also offering every season ski course for adults. To learn more or to get involved, email the club today.
Annual Loppet
Every year since 2015, during the spring festival Toonik Tyme, the Club organises a friendly cross country ski competition. The course is about 1,5 km long. About 40 participants of all ages, from 2 to 82 years old, gather together in a fun and playful environment. There even is a costume contest! The Club provides gear for people who would like to try the sport. The beloved Iqaluit Loppet encourages healthy active living.
Toonik 10 km race
Since 2018, the 10 km race targets more mature and technically advance participants. It is fun, promotes healthy activity and is good for tourism. The competition also takes place during the Iqaluit spring festival Toonik Tyme. 28 runners took part at the first Toonik 10.
The Club tries to organise coaching courses and ski waxing clinics every year. If you want to participate to a clinic, follow our Facebook page or send us an email. You can also lead a clinic if you’d like to share your skills with the community! To do so simply email us and we will organise something with you. The Club has equipment and contacts for venues.
The Club has developed a few very useful ressources for outdoor enthusiasts the few years. Check it out:
Trail Map
Ski Gear Guide
Safety tips