Check out this cool little video of our jackrabbit program 2018.
Thanks to the generous support of Sports and Recreation Nunavut and Alta Gas Ski-at-school, Iqaluit based Aniirajak Ski and Adventure Club launched its first Jackrabbit skills development program last spring. This new program was a big success and is definitely a good first step that our club can build on in the next years.
The main success is the participation. 20 registered kids participated in the program and around 3 parents also stock around at every session. The kids enjoyed it and want to come back next season. Their parents were telling us that their children talked about the program a lot during the week in between sessions and that they even wear their toques often during the week as well. Kids learn fast when well guided. We all saw a big difference in the skills of the kids in the course of the program. Some never skied when they came at the first session and all could do pretty well at the last session.
To register for the skills programs, contact us any time.