Ressources for Iqaluit outdoor enthusiasts

Trail map
Aniirajak has published a map of suggested trails around Iqaluit. In reality, you can ski and hike pretty much anywhere on the toundra, but the map gives indications of nice route, beautiful lookouts, useful information and safety tips. The map is available for free at the Unikkaarvik Visitor Centre.

Gear Guide
Playing outside in the arctic requires special gear. The Club developed a gear guide to help residents and tourists know what is best to wear and bring on a outing.

Aniirajak recommend either or both these weather forecast sites to plan your outings:

Weather Underground
Environment and ressources Canada
Earth: a global map of wind, weather, northern lights and ocean conditions

Your security is your responsibility! If you are planning a trip on the land, check out these safety tips first!

About Us:

The mission of the Aniirajak Ski and Adventure Club is to advance cross-country skiing and other outdoor activities by, among other things, make equipment available, organizing events, facilitating participation in races, developing infrastructure, organizing lessons, offering clinics and creating maps.

Contact Us
Through our Facebook page

Weather Forecast
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